Create a self-guiding “beauty map” of your community with short, medium and long walks
Conduct runs, walks and bike-a-thons for beauty in your community—raise money for beautification projects
“In such an ugly time, the true protest is beauty. ”
Plan a community clean-up--find ideas at Keep America Beautiful Initiate a community mural project
Plan a “city repair” by turning busy intersections into plazas, gathering spaces and art exhibitions Plant school gardens with flower borders
Create a public library reading project showcasing books about beautification
Discuss a book about beauty in your book club Conduct of local photography contest—“a beautiful day in the life of…….”
Sponsor a painting contest Sponsor a high school essay contest—“What beauty means to me…”
Conduct a beautification survey—what do residents of your town think should be done to make it more beautiful?
Celebrate the historical treasures—architecture and parks—in your community
Sponsor a university teach-in about the struggle for beauty in American history Take schoolchildren to parks or nature centers for the day
Take the elderly to the park—provide special buses
Conduct a “value of beauty” assessment in your city
Reclaim a vacant lot by coming together and planning an urban farm in the space
Sponsor a community tree planting Remove exotic plants and replant local perennials
Create a wetland interpretive area
Offer free courses in community beautification in local schools and colleges
Start a local farmers’ market Ask local media to focus on beauty for a day
“Beauty is truth and truth beauty. ”
Start a local “100-mile diet” campaign
Study the feasibility and cost of burying powerlines
Make your state parks free for the week of And Beauty for All Day Offer free public transit rides for a day
Plan a beautification campaign for your local metro, including beautifying stations and providing walking paths to and from stations away from busy streets
Convert abandoned rail lines or levees to trails Pass a city proclamation endorsing And Beauty for All Day Plan community kayaking events on local rivers, combined with litter cleanup
Establish a car-free day in your downtown Create a car-free mall or gathering place in your community
Conduct a happiness survey in your community—discover the areas of your community where people are happiest Vote for the most beautiful park in your town, most beautiful street, school, body of water, etc.
Plan an art gallery walk
Encourage senseless acts of beauty and random acts of kindness
Offer gifts of beauty—bouquets, etc.—to the homeless Paint houses for the elderly Reduce your clutter—in your home and your yard
Celebrate a week for beauty—with a different event each day
Devote a week in elementary school to teaching about Americans who made our country more beautiful
Hold a community beautification conference
Turn bus stops into colorful Art Stops (complete with rooftop gardens)
Turn the last cars on urban rail and subway lines into occasional Art Cars to make and see local art
Work with local architecture and design students to visualize neighborhoods and cities "greened" and beautified
Turn local cell phone towers into bowers of flowers and vegetated aerial habitats for birds and pollinators
Convert standalone billboard structures into vegetated aerial habitats for birds and pollinators
Create city-spanning human-powered and low-power transportation corridors on selected wide residential streets for bicycles, scooters, pedicabs, e-bikes, Segways, and pedestrians that are also tree-shaded flower-graced eco-corridors for small wildlife, birds, and pollinators
Bring art and music education and cultural enrichment back to public education in collaboration with local providers